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- Designing Your Pod
- Access & Interior Decals
What are the pod access decal options?
Mamava pods come with an exterior access decal to the left of the door handle. (Not applicable to the Solo Base with a keyless door handle.) We offer three access options, depending on how you want breastfeeding parents to access your pod.
- App-only access: Decal prompts users to access the pod by downloading the free Mamava mobile app.
- App + custom message: Decal prompts users to access the pod by downloading the free Mamava mobile app, but also includes a custom message with additional access instructions—typically a phone number.
3. Custom message: Decal is only for custom access instructions and for pods that will not be accessed using the Mamava app.
If you need assistance determining the best decal for your pod, please consult your Account Executive.