Mamava pods are designed to be easy to disassemble when you need to move or store them. Here’s a step-by-step guide for disassembling a Mamava Solo V1.1.
This article is for a Solo V1.1 pod. Use this link for disassembly steps for a Solo V1 pod and this link for a Solo V2.0 or V2.1 pod. Not sure which version Solo pod you have? Use this link to find out.
Before you move or store your Mamava Solo pod, you’ll first need to disassemble it. Use this simple guide as a companion to the diagrams and instructions in the “Mamava Assembly Instructions” that came with your Solo V1.1 pod. Please follow the assembly instruction steps in reverse order, back to front, when referencing the steps below.
Refer to the assembly guide to determine the tools and personnel required for disassembly. Additionally, we recommend using masking or painter’s tape to cover screws to ensure they don’t fall out or scratch adjacent components. If you didn’t keep the original packing materials for your pod, you’ll need to collect enough material to secure the components. We also suggest wearing safety glasses and light working gloves.
Keep track of your pod’s hardware so that you have it ready for reassembly when the time comes. We suggest taping the hardware near the screw holes on the pod or placing them in clear plastic bags for future use. Avoid taping screws to the interior or exterior panels in a place that could scratch the pod. Keep them taped in places that are out of sight to reduce potential damage during transport.
We’ve provided instructions on how to disassemble your pod here, but please note that we can also provide this service for you. Contact us below and we'll get you an estimate!
People required: 2
Average time: 2 hours
Tools required
- 6’ ladder
- Phillips #2 screwdriver
- Phillips #3 screwdriver
- 5.5 mm hex key
Don't use power tools as they can strip the pod's hardware.
- Light working gloves (as some components have sharp edges)
- Painters tape to keep the hardware taped on the pod
- Packing material for safe storage
Always unplug the pod from its primary power source before disassembling!
Step 1: Door
Refer to the Door section in the assembly guide.
- Use a #2 Phillips head screwdriver to unscrew the door closer arm and gently separate the door arm from the closer arm. Replace the screws back into the closer arm screw holes on the door and cover with tape.
- Depending on your storage space, you may want to remove the pod’s door handles (use the small pin that came with your set of keys). The door handle can also be left on the pod as it's not required for disassembly.
- Gently lift the door out of its hinges and set aside on its latch side edge or place in its respective slot in the shipping packaging.
Step 2: Shelf
Refer to the Shelf section in the assembly guide.
- Remove all four screws from the back right wall panel to take it off the wall. Tape the screws to the shelf so they’re easily located for reassembly.
Step 3: Roof Caps and Perforated pan
Refer to the Roof and Perforated Pan section in the assembly guide.
- Use a ladder to access the top of the unit and remove the plastic push rivets holding the perforated pans in place. Remove the perforated pans and set aside.
- Remove the two roof caps.
- Remove the eight screws that attach the roof pan to the top of the wall panels with the #2 Phillips head screwdriver (there are two on each side of the pod).
- Unplug the PCD power cord from the PCD. Unplug the back right wall panel wire and front left wall panel wire from the roof pan wire harness.
- Unscrew the eight screws from the roof pan that connect it to the wall panels. Make sure to tape the screws to the roof pan.
- Unscrew the six screws holding the side roof pans to the middle roof pan. Carefully lift out the side roof pans, then lift out the middle roof pan.
Step 4: Header
Refer to the Header section in the assembly guide.
- Remove the adhesive covers over the Rotolock holes in the header.
- Insert the Allen key into the holes, make sure the tool is fully seated, and then loosen the cam mechanisms.
- Pull up on the header to remove and wrap for storage. (Fyi—it’s a tight fit!)
Step 5: Beauty Panel
Refer to the Beauty Panel section in the assembly guide.
- Make sure the pod has been unplugged from the wall.
- Remove the white covers off of the Rotolock holes on each side of the beauty panel under the bench.
- Use the Allen key to unlock the Rotolocks and remove the beauty panel.
- Disconnect the PCD power cord (black) from the beauty panel junction box.
- Disconnect the GFCI power cord from the beauty panel junction box. Remove the wire grommet cover and feed the GFCI cord to the exterior of the pod.
Step 6: Left Back Wall Panel
Refer to the Left Wall Panels section in the assembly guide.
- Remove the two screws securing the back right wall panel to the floor pan.
- Remove the white adhesive covers off of all the Rotolock holes.
- Use the Allen key to detach the back right wall panel from the back left wall panel.
- Lift this section of wall panel off of the floor pan.
- Replace the screws into the wall panel for storage or transport, and cover with masking tape.
If you’re putting the panels into shipping packaging, tighten the screws as much as possible to ensure they won’t mar adjacent panels in the crate.
Step 7: Left + Right Wall Panels
Refer to the Back Right Wall Panels section in the assembly guide.
- Unscrew the four screws that connect the left wall panels to the floor pan.
- Unscrew the eight screws securing the left wall panels to the bench and bench posts.
- Remove the white adhesive covers off of all the Rotolock holes.
- Use the Allen key to detach the back left wall panel from the front left wall panel.
- Lift these wall panels off of the floor pan.
- Replace the screws into the wall panel for storage or transport, and cover with masking tape.
If you’re putting the panels into shipping packaging, tighten the screws as much as possible to ensure they won’t mar adjacent panels in the crate.
Step 8: Bench
Refer to the Bench section in the assembly guide.
- Unscrew the four screws attaching the bench to the bench posts.
- Remove the bench by firmly grasping the front lip, twisting gently, and then pulling up. It can be helpful to have one person looking under the bench to help guide while you lift from above.
- Unscrew the four screws attaching the bench posts to the floor pan and remove the bench posts.
Step 9: Floor Pan and Bench Support
Refer to the Floor Pan and Bench Support section in the assembly guide.
- The floor pan is now exposed and your pod is ready to pack for shipment or storage.
Friendly reminder: Once you’ve moved your pod, let us know how you want your Mamava pod listed on the app by filling out this short form.